December 12, 2014


For teams bidding for Jon Lester, it was disappointing when he signed with the Cubs.

However, tying up millions of dollars long term on a 31 year old pitcher can be a curse.

Sports Illustrated's Tom Verducci wrote a story about the Lester sweepstakes and made the following two declarations:

1) "Whichever team winds up winning the bidding for Jon Lester will get a very good pitcher and a very bad contract."

2) "It's foolish to give a pitcher in the Testing Era a six- or seven-year contract that begins with his age-31 season. In fact, it's so foolish it's never been done before."

Verducci provided statistics to defend his claims.

Although the Giants clearly wanted Lester, Comcast SanFran asked the question of whether the team possibly dodged a bullet?

"Oh I totally agree," TV analyst Mike Krukow said. "You know how I feel about six-, seven-year contracts for pitchers, I just don't think they are realistic ... It's a roll of the dice. I just don't like it ... I don't think that it makes that much sense.

"But you know what, it's a roll of the dice, total roll of the dice. You're betting on a six-year deal to get him for the first four. If you get him for the last two that's a benefit. I don't think anybody giving a contract of six years or more to anybody 30 years of age or older is planning on the back end of that contract. I just don't think they are.

"So I do agree that in a way the Giants did dodge a little bit of a bullet there, but still, it's disappointing."