Cubs local broadcast ratings on Ch. 9
2010: 3.8
2011: 3.2
2012: 2.6
The Cubs pulled the option to renegotiate the sweetheart Tribune deal with its radio-TV divisions. The Cubs apparently receive around $246,000 per local TV broadcast from WGN. The Cubs get around $350,000 per telecast from Comcast (which the Cubs are a part owner). So if we are talking about another $100,000 per telecast, we are talking only a bump of $7 million in revenue.
But every penny seems important to Ricketts these days.
Declining attendance at the ball park is a factor of a) a poor team and b) high prices.
Declining ratings on television is a more troubling factor. In just three seasons, Cub ratings have dropped 31.5 percent. Almost a third of the fan base don't watch Cub games anymore. That is a staggering fall off.